Exemplars for CSD Unit 5 Chapter 1 Lesson 7: Combining Representations

Would there happen to be an example on how to do CSD Unit 5 Chapter 1 Lesson 7: Combining Representations. I see on the lesson plan for teachers there is an “exemplar”, but when I click on it it just takes me to the view of the students.

When I click on the “Pet Records- exemplar”, it sends me to this link: https://studio.code.org/s/csd5-2018/stage/7/puzzle/1

On the top of the page: “Overview”. On the bottom of the page “For Teachers Only”, a blue box with a link to the pdf. If you do not see the blue box, you may not be a verified teacher.

Please let us know if this doesn’t work for you.

it does not work for me, I requested to be verified. Could I somehow get the pdf for it? Someone from code.org sent me one for lesson 6 and it was so much helpful. I would just like to see it while I wait to get verified.

Hi Maria,

We can’t share exemplars until we have verified that you are a teacher. The problem is that we have had students coming into the forum pretending to be teachers, so we have to be extra careful. Once an answer key gets out to the students, there is nothing we can do to get it back or keep it from getting distributed over the web. I tried to verify that you were a teacher by going to your school web site and checking your email, but I was not able to find it, so you might need to wait for the standard verification, which should only take a couple days. Sorry for this inconvenience!
