This one is probably all about filtering, but the student and I cannot figure out what type of filtering is necessary so that the output is not one long line of text, but rather shows as a list one below the other.
Any assistance will be appreciated as always.
Hi Darrin,
I took a look, and found the issue-- the UI element you student is using to set the text to is a text INPUT. Text inputs have some odd formatting constraints. One issue with those that confuses my students is that the text is always a light gray, and the text can’t be formatted on new lines.
I remixed the project and dragged out a text area, and it works to get the list displayed properly. Your student looped through each item in the list and inserted a new line between each, which would have worked in a text area, but is also redoing what the .join() function does.
My remix is here:
I hope this helps, please reply back if you have follow up questions!
Thank you. I see what you mean. I didn’t change her code with the exception of using a text area and having that as the output and sure enough. Your change worked! Thank you.
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