ELL students: All materials are written out in Power Point so students can hear and see it.
Make sure assignments are written out with deadlines for students using Google Classroom or some type of calendar to help with time management.
ELL students: All materials are written out in Power Point so students can hear and see it.
Make sure assignments are written out with deadlines for students using Google Classroom or some type of calendar to help with time management.
Continuing the discussion from Differentiation for Diverse Learners:
Creating screen casts for students to review the lesson.
Group Members: S. Parker, M.Havins, C. Ross, C. Napp
Differentiation for ELL student might look like the following:
Differentiation for SPED students might be:
I have enjoyed the role as a “facilitator” to my students, which creates a “peer tutoring” environment & not so dependent on me as the “teacher”.
November 10, 2018