Differentiation for students of Poverty

Students of Poverty (Group 1)

What struggles do you see these students have?

  • Bigger problems in life, not completely focused at school
  • More focused on survival
  • Hungry and/or tired
  • Lack of background knowledge
  • Lack of access to technology out of school

What strategies could you use to support these students?

  • After school programming
  • Choice of different levels of programming to fit their comfort level
  • Working with partners (teacher driven)
  • Building relationships

Are there resources you could provide these students?

  • Lessons in print (broken down into smaller parts)
  • Organization of classroom (spot for their materials)
  • Time before or after school for work time
  • TIme at the beginning of the class for organizing and preparing for instruction

You have a great list of ideas here, thanks!

Students from low poverty levels are difficult to motivate. One of the great parts of CSD is that we can chunk the material into smaller parts and peer programming also assists in motivating because they are working as a team. Another thing that helps with these types of students, is providing supplemental materials that they can do once they’ve completed their tasks.