Discoveries 3 Reset

Help. I am using Discoveries Unit 3 as a nine week elective for my 8th graders. They are really enjoying it. But I can not figure out how to reset my code lessons all over again. As I am working with the students, they are seeing one screen, while my screen is displaying a more advanced version of the same lesson. I can not find out where or how to reset the applications so that we all see the same screen.

@maryann.sowers, It sounds like you want to reset your version of the code so it matches the starting code that students see.

If so, this should do the trick.

If this isn’t what you were after, let us know.


Reset the project

Performing a reset on a specific level of Web Lab or Game Lab can be done by following these steps:

  1. Click the Version History button.
  2. In the dialog that opens, click the Start Over button.

I will try this thanks.