We just started Unit 3 this week! It is definitely much better than unit 2 that was very hard. I decided not to complete it. Of course they’re also seventh graders. Most of the reading levels are probably fourth grade even if they do speak English. unit three is already going better but is extremely challenging to do as distance learning. We have been home this week from a snowstorm and I have five students who don’t understand English. I wish there was a video in Spanish to tell those kids all the things they can do to make their life easier lol because I don’t know what those things are! I just learned about the language at the bottom from this thread I don’t know why I didn’t find it before. One of my students had it already set and they couldn’t tell me how they did it to help another student. It’s my first year teaching this in my second year teaching at all so I am an novice for sure. Oh my gosh I have too many accounts I am also swile
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