Enhancements and plans

Wanted to start a topic on what is being to improve code.org courses, and maybe a projection of where code.org is going.

I love the many questions and thoughts that come up in the support forums, but it seems like Katie and Sarah are a bit overwhelmed (or otherwise busy, maybe RL?). Where are those many suggestions aggregated in such a way that the public can see them?

What’s in hte future for code.org? We hear about all the millions being poured into code.org from big names like Gates and Zuckerberg, but it is hard to see what those dollars are doing. What is the 5-year roadmap for code.org?

Hey there! FYI I moved this topic out of Hour of Code and into the General category.

Not sure if you’ve heard the news, but Katie has recently left Code.org. You can find her on LinkedIn.

We’d like to keep these forums focused on teaching and learning – a place for teachers to discuss with one another as opposed to a place to get answers from the Code.org team. So while I’m happy to keep this thread open as a place to suggest things you’d like Code.org to do, this isn’t the place where we (the Code.org team) would announce anything or respond directly to suggestions or questions Think of forum.code.org as a place to connect with other Code.org teachers, not with Code.org staff.

You can follow us @codeorg or @teachcodeorg to keep abreast of our plans, and if you’d like your suggestions to be public you can always tweet them at us there. Otherwise, you can send your feedback to us via support.code.org.

Thanks, Melissa - I see you are quite busy on these forums. :smile: I appreciate your feedback and the work you do to maintain forum.code.org.

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