Exemplar for bulls eye just shows black screen


I feel this might be a bug. Want to know if I should have my students skip this portion of the activity.



I can report this for you. Updates to the site are on hold until the end of Hour of Code so I am not sure when it will be changed.

Until then to see the exemplar, you can remix the project and replace the missing hashtags from each of the penColor commands before running it. Student work on that level should not be impacted. Just make sure they include the hashtags!

Happy computing,

Thanks for the heads up @clilagan. As @anmrobnott mentioned updates won’t be live for a couple of weeks but we’ve made sure to fix that exemplar so the change will go live once we’re past the Hour of Code.

My Screen also just shows a white screen. This happens when I click on the example .

As mentioned by GT the bug has been fixed but the changes won’t go live till after this week. In the mean time you can follow steps outlined by Andrea in the previous post.