Following up: 2020-21 Updates to AP Computer Science Principles

Hello all. Our team sent out the following email on Nov. 15, 2018 regarding the College Board’s announcement of updates coming to the CSP course for the 2020-2021 school year. That same email is below.

Hello CS Principles Teachers,

If you are teaching Computer Science Principles and have ever completed the AP course audit then you should have just received this email from the College Board announcing that there are updates to the course planned for the 2020-21 school year. These updates are designed to improve the course experience and to enhance alignment to introductory college courses.

We wanted to send you a quick follow-up to let you know that we are closely collaborating with the College Board to ensure that we will be ready to support you and new CS Principles teachers using the curriculum leading into the 2020-21 school year. We anticipate that you will have specific questions about the framework, assessment, and curriculum, and while we don’t have any additional information available to share right now, please rest assured that we will be working with the College Board to get those details to you. As noted in their announcement, the College Board will be sharing more details about these updates over the next two years, and you can plan to hear from us about any impacts to the CS Principles curriculum.

We are fully committed to supporting you and your classrooms. As always, you can reach out for support on the curriculum by posting on our forum or by writing to us at

Sarah Filman
VP of Education,