Is there any documentation on how to use all the tools in Game lab animation editor?
My students are coming up with questions that I can’t answer.
Is there any documentation on how to use all the tools in Game lab animation editor?
My students are coming up with questions that I can’t answer.
I found this documentation:
This documentation does not go into details on all the tools. I will forward this to the curriculum team.
I am also looking for more documentation on using the animation tools in Game Lab. I have a couple students that have put lots of time and effort into creating very detailed characters in Unit 3 Lesson 6 and they would like to be able to use their characters in games toward the end of unit 3. Please let me know if there is anyway to use an animation that was created in Lesson 6 in a project later in the unit.
Thank you!
Christine Engbert
Figured I’d throw this out even with how long ago this was. You can export as a GIF and then, in the downloads folder, change its file type for .gif to .png and then it will import right into the new project. You can also export it as a zip and then open that in your downloads folder and it will create a png of the file.
@koliner Thanks for sharing that tip!
Thanks for this info! I keep getting asked about rotating the sprite 45 degrees (or something other than flip horizontal or vertical.) Also, when they do flip some sprites and then flip them again, they lose most of the sprite.