Game Lab Project-Final Exam


My students are creating a Game Lap Project for their final exam. Is there a way I can hide or even delete their project once complete to prevent them from sharing their code with other students?

When it’s complete, I dont want them to be able to access it until the final exam is complete.

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There is not a way for teachers to delete student projects. At any point while they are working on it, they could copy and paste their code somewhere else. Even deleting it at the end wouldn’t guarantee they didn’t share it.

The only suggestion I would have is to make the project open-ended enough that no two projects will look the same. Then, watch for code that is identical or very similar when you are evaluating them.

Maybe other people will have suggestions for how they manage this.


[quote=“CeciliaZ, post:2, topic:35627”]
توجد طريقة للمعلمين لحذف مشروعات الطلاب. في أي وقت أثناء العمل عليه ، يمكنهم نسخ ولصق الكود الخاص بهم في مكان آخر. حتى حذفها في النهاية لن يضمن عدم مشاركتها.

الاقتراح الوحيد الذي سأطرحه هو جعل المشروع مفتوحًا بما يكفي بحيث لا يبدو أي مشروعين متماثلين. بعد ذلك ، راقب الشفرة المتطابقة أو المتشابهة جدًا عند تقييمه