In case your school is being shut down due to COVID-19, you might be wondering how this affects your students and the AP exam (as well as other things, like where to buy toilet paper, but sorry, I have no answers for all your other questions).
I happened to come across this post by Crystal Furman from the College Board (via the “AP Computer Science Principles Teachers” Facebook group):
Thank You!!! This information helps so much and hopefully we will be able to communicate with the students what they need to do. I had one day to give them the tools to do the Create Task on their own and plan on doing a live chat later this week to answer any questions. But this helps so much.
Thank you so much! Because of COVID19, we don’t have classes until April this year. I think the advantage in my case is that since I’m teaching in an international school, my students are more familiar with how learning the coursework given through the internet works. Praying for everyone’s safety.
Create & Explore Performance Tasks are now due May 26th
The College Board is working with teachers and students to provide helpful resources to prep for the tasks, including information on obtaining technology to complete the tasks.