IP Address Conversion?

The following line is from a Wikipedia article. I really do not understand what it means. Would someone help me to make sense of it?

“the quad-dotted IP address represents the 32-bit [decimal] number 3221226219” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv4

If you view the address as hexadecimal for example, it would be:
C0.00.02.EB, and remove the dots, gives C00002EB, and convert that to decimal, it would give 3221226219.

I’ve absolutely NEVER dealt with IP addresses as decimal, not sure why the article bothers mentioning it, other than to say that there are FFFFFFFF = 4294967295 addresses available.

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Thank you so much for helping me. I really, really appreciate.
Let me ask you, in “the quad-dotted IP address”, what base is the number

Sorry for the late reply… Actually, let me rephrase my above statement: “I’ve never dealt with IP addresses and a BIG SINGLE decimal number.” But yes, the individual octets are all decimal. 192 is decimal, 0 is decimal, etc.

Sorry if I confused you.

Thank you for your help. You are so kind!


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