Length of CS Principles course

Must CS Principles be taught as a full year course? Can it be broken down to trimesters?
IF students are not going to take the AP test, can they “jump in” for just one trimester, or must they do all of the units?

Our school teaches on trimesters and we might get more students signed up for the class if it was not required to be a full year.

If students are not planning to take the AP exam, I’d say you are empowered to use the units and lessons in whatever way will best support your students. If that means removing sections, or focusing on others, go for it. In order to make it easy to jump in/out of in terms of trimesters, I’d probably rearrange units to have a programming trimester and a non-programming trimester.

You may also find that the CSD is a better fit for trimesters - the units are modular, and do not have a as strong dependence upon one another.

Good luck with your recruitment!