List of Updates for 2022-2023?

Is there a detailed list of what has been changed in the 2022-2023 version of CS Discoveries?

Thank you!

Here’s the update from the curriculum team as published in August’s CS Discoveries newsletter. If you want the quick summary, look for the change log link below.

Good luck!


At the beginning of July, we launched the 2022-23 version of CS Discoveries!

As with all our courses, we are committed to making regular updates to our CS Discoveries curriculum to make sure we continue to meet students’ and teachers’ needs, while supporting the best classroom experience possible. This year, our team prioritized the following updates:

  • Updates to the Physical Computing unit
  • A new guide with strategies to implement Programming Levels within the course
  • More opportunities for feedback on lessons within the course and in our forums

Check out the Curriculum Guide and be sure to visit our Change Log for more information about what’s changed in the 2022-23 course. We also encourage you to connect with other teachers on the forum as you begin teaching CS Discoveries.

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