Module 1, Level 16 Reflection - Excitements and Concerns

For the question I put: “Overreliance and loss of critical thinking” but this is equally tied with my concern of it replacing education. I know the video said otherwise and to look at it as assistance but I still clearly see a path where I am replaced with AI and become the assistant. We are already seeing some of this in schools where they do just this: Alpha School in TX. Honestly, I think depending on how it’s implemented and AI driven program of study WOULD be better than teachers… after all, I can not teach each of my 32 kids in a class individually. I can not process their levels as fast as AI or adjust the curriculum/ content delivery levels as quickly as AI, AI is even cheaper than hiring me. So WALLe here we come!

I’m concerned about over reliance and loss of critical thinking. If students are using AI to answer questions, and just copying and pasting what they find, they will not be able to think critically about the world. AI is a tool that should increase critical thinking as it’s not perfect, and students should be analyzing the answers they get to see if they are appropriate.

I am most concerned about overreliance on AI and the loss of critical thinking skill and the loss of creativity as well. The benefit I am most excited about is having reference material more easily at hand.

As an Art/photography teacher, I am concerned that when I give my students complex ideas they need to use their critical thinking skills to come up with a concept for an assignment, they will just ask AI to answer it for them. I would encourage them to come up with their ideas and then if they need to expand on them using AI would be ok.

What has resonated with me in this module is using AI to help with all the smaller tasks that can be automated, allowing me more time to do the important tasks. For example, in the classroom, having AI provide feedback on grammar, mechanics, and basic formatting on written work so that I can sit down and focus on content with students, or having AI help students find errors in their math or computer coding assignments which frees the teacher up to work with groups and individuals who need more one-on-one attention.
My only reservation with the rise of AI is that students with lose out on experiences that teach them qualities such as endurance, resiliency, and grit will not develop those characteristics that help them deal with life’s challenges. It will be interesting to see what and how students and society change with the rise of AI.

I’m worried that students will think they can type key words onto the screen and believe they have an understanding of concepts without ever actually putting effort into learning because the task has been completed.

I am very concerned about students becoming over reliant on AI and losing critical thinking skills. I already see it regularly with many different forms of technology and AI is significantly more powerful than previous tools. Even when students use things like calculators they do not recognize that they are not using them correctly and have no basis on if their result is rational based on the problem at hand. I still regularly get answers that are just the summary of the top result on google with no regard to if that actually answers the prompt or is anything we have actually covered in class. My fear with AI is that it will be harder to convince students that the computer can’t just do it for them and that they actually need an understanding of what we are learning. Especially since we are still in relatively early stages of the technology it is so important to be able to evaluate the result being produced and that cannot be done without any background knowledge that I am trying to provide them.

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what I am worried about is the information bias that is done by the machine. I am looking forward to the benefits of AI in finding ideas that have not been widely exposed in online media. It seems that AI only collects information that already exists.

I’m most concerned about students losing their skills and ability for critical thinking, becoming overly reliant on AI and not on their own skills. I’m excited about using AI to create lesson plans. Using Diffit was a lot of fun and I’m amazed at the quality of the worksheets it created. I especially like the amount of control I can have while making these assignments.

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I am most concerned about plagiarism and privacy. Like all other tools, everything has its pros and cons. I think the use of AI should be carefully navigated to ensure the tools use are effective yet not breaching trust eg. having AI write entire student’s essay/homework. Critical thinking is very important for students to learn and grow and with AI I fear it can impact the skills they must learn.