Module 1, Level 5 Reflection - Goals

Post and discuss your response to the first reflection question - What are your goals for AI 101 Self-Paced Professional Learning.

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I’d like to learn more about how to discuss AI topics with students to help guide them on how to use AI tools safely.

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I hope to learn more about AI and especially know how to approach the conversation about AI to my students.

Goal 1: To be able to become better versed in how to utilize AI for the betterment of my personal and professional lives.
Goal 2: To be able to incorporate AI into student lessons, allowing students to respectfully explore the possibilties of AI (not used for cheating).

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I would like to know what AI resources are out there and how to ensure my students know how to use them in an ethical manner. I’d also like to be able to better recognize those times when AI has been used by a student, especially if it was used inappropriately.

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I want to:
Introduce students to AI and how to use it appropriately
Learn more about how to use AI in the classroom

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Here are my goals for this course:
1, Build my foundational knowledge of how AI works by examining real-world examples of AI to understand its capabilities and limitations.
2. Explore how AI can be used to improve my efficiency and effectiveness, both professionally and personally. I’m particularly interested in how AI can help me increase my creativity, automate repetitive tasks, enhance communication, and support my professional growth.
3. Develop effective and pedagogically sound strategies for teaching AI concepts to my K-5 students. This includes explaining AI in age-appropriate terms, creating engaging hands-on activities with AI, and challenging students to think about the ethical implications of AI.

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My goal for the course is to learn more about AI and the different AI platforms available. I have played a little with ChatGPT in asking for ideas for application math topics, enough to know that the answers we get still need proofing for accuracy. I am hoping to learn about other platforms to use instead as I am not overly excited about what Chat has offered me.

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My first goal is to learn how AI works. I feel that would help me understand it better and I would know how to use it more efficiently.
The second goal is to learn about different AIs that are currently available and how to implement AI in my classroom instruction and planning.

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My goals for this course is one to understand how AI works and used to help the world.
My second goal is to learn how to use it effectively, learn what terms and vocab get the best results

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My goal in this class is to learn more about AI than I already know, which is very little. I also want to know more about AI so that I can be prepared to introduce AI successfully to my students. I need to know what is available and what is involved with AI in order for me to introduce AI to my students so they can understand what AI is and how to use AI. I am ready to embrace this technology.

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During this course, I hope to learn more about AI so I can be more informed when it comes to opportunities to use it and the different types of programs that exist to use in the education field.

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I have three goals for this course. My first goal is to learn how AI works. My second goal is to learn how to use it in my teaching so that I can be more efficient,. Lastly, I would like to learn how to teach AI to my elementary students and show them ethical ways to use it.

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My main goal is to be AI literate and start gaining a deeper, enhanced understanding of AI and the way it can be used in education and society in general.

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I am hoping to learn more about AI and how it can help me to become a better teacher. I am hoping to get a better grasp on using AI in education and guiding my students as they learn more about it.

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