Have a student complete and watch all videos and share with them the Teacher Exemplars for the units/lessons needs to catch up with. Match the new kid up with the group or another student that “gets it”!
I hope this help!
Yes, this is a challenge. I usually have code.org embassadors (ie, kids that function highly in the code.org ecosystem) help the new students. They start by showing them where they are and what they are doing. Then they do a modified paired programming to start working with new students to get them familiar with concepts. Lastly, they serve as a classroom helper for new students later in the quarter.
Mariano - I love the idea of an “Ambassador” program - I have seen it work when new students arrive at school late, but never even thought about having it in the classroom for code.org! It totally makes sense for the students who have ventured far into the program, meanwhile, others are trying to catch up - it solves two problems at once. And WHY did you not mention this in class today or was I asleep?? LOL
I often get a “new” kids in class. I just start them at the beginning of either unit 2 or 3 depending on their interest and monitor their progress from there. I don’t see why all the students should be on the same lesson. I want them to take however much time they need to learn something well not learn something at the same rate as everyone else.
I love Embassador idea! Gonna have to try it.
Every time i get a new student, i know there is going to be an issue with shyness! I have new students usually sit and interact with the most responsible and exemplary students so that they can sort of guide them with the curriculum. I dont necessarily give them all the work that they have missed all at once but gradually so as not to overwhelm them.
One thing that would be very difficult to make up for a new student entering the class are most of the unplugged activities, especially those done in small groups. Perhaps providing additional resources that teach/reinforce similar concepts as those presented in the unplugged activities would be a good option.
These are all great suggestions which would work for students who take off for a “vacation” during the middle of the course, and miss a great deal of the content.
What about just measuring progress form the start of the course - almost individualizing the instruction for that student? That would still allow them to experience the course. Of course this would depend on what outcomes are expected for the completion of the course and whether or not they will continue to another level for which they need to be prepared.