Hi can anyone guide me what the first thing i need to learn in code.org @ann.thomas
Can you describe more about your background and goals? Those are important things to consider in order to provide you with the best journey.
i am still new and as beginner in the field
What is your goal? Did you want to learn to code for yourself? Are you a classroom teacher who is teaching a specific course to students?
i need to learn from beginning code
i am an specialist education technology
like that
There are many places you can start. Try an Hour of Code activity, which you can find on the home page (www.code.org), then click the “Try it” button, then pick from any of the activities on the following screen.
Most of them will get you started on simple block-based programming (for example, the Minecraft, Star Wars, and Frozen activities). They don’t teach a specific programming language, but they help you to learn the logic and thinking often involved in coding.