Order of Shapes and Sprites And Text

I just want to make sure I am not wrong when I tell students there is no way to code this project so the “windows” that are drawn with the rect and ellipse commands appear to be behind the monkey when it rises up from the couch. The background is a sprite, so drawSprites() must come before the shapes are text are drawn. But that means the monkeys (also sprites) are going to be behind the shapes and the text.

There’s no way to draw the background sprite, then the shapes, and then the monkeys, right?



Link to the project or level: [Game Lab - Code.org]

Hi @jwilson25,

From this post a few years ago, you can use a sort of special function (or at least one for which there is no block) and draw each sprite in the draw loop where you would like them. Here is a remix of the monkey project where the monkey flies in front of the text and shape.

Hope that helps,

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Yes! This is something I did not know about, so I am very glad I asked and you answered. Thank you, @melynn!
