Professional Organizations, Networks & Conferences

What professional organizations do you belong to? What conferences do you attend? What would you recommend to others as they are building their networks?

I’ll be attending the CSTA National Conference in July, along with lots of members of the team. Is anyone else going?

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CSTA Twitter chats will resume 9/16 at 7:00 Central time using the hastag #csk8. Topics TBA Join us!

I am a member of TCEA. The organization hosts a myriad of conferences throughout the year, with the most cumulative being their February conference - a 5 day professional development marathon that hosted hundreds of sessions this year from VR to It is an excellent organization with special interest groups- SIGs- that provide a more intimate collaboration amongst teachers interested in a particular element of technology education, such as robotics. There is an annual fee for membership, but it is WELL worth it! I’ll be hosting 2 sessions at the Frisco conference this July called Tots and Technology, catered towards lower elementary and Early Childhood teachers.

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