I am doing a project with my students. One of my students is trying to create a game, but when she makes her animation move the animation “stamps” itself with any movement it makes. It makes a trail behind it. However, when we did Unit 3 lessons none of the sprites there did that, I even tried starting my own and I run into the same issue. My animation leaves a trail with any movement it makes.
Are you using the background block to clear the background every time the draw loop runs? The draw loop does not erase what has drawn before, so if you don’t want to see the images that were drawn in the last loop, you have to cover them up with the background block.
Using the background block did cover up the movement of the sprite, but it also covered up the text on the page…any suggestions there?
try drawing the text after the drawSprites block, so the order would be:
background, drawSprites, text
Hello, just read your issue about stamping…one of my students is actually trying to create a “stamping” affect just like you described. Would you mind sharing the code you had at the time that was leaving a trail of the sprite’s locaiton?
Hope you get this or anyone that can help…thank you!