Teaching sequencing

I like this idea. It provides movement to the activity and it is a game they like to play anyway.

I have not taught anything with coding/sequencing at all yet. We purchased a coding toy for my son called Botly that I was thinking would be fine to bring in to my classroom to allow the kids to program it to see if they could get it to different locations and to move around the different objects that came with it.

I teach a multi-age classroom of 4th, 5th, and 6th graders.

I have explained sequencing to my students as a specific order for doing something. I used making a grilled cheese sandwich as an example, briefly going over the steps. Then I ask students for other examples of things that require a specific order or sequence.

I then talk about algorithms by using the example of a recipe. There are instructions you follow to complete something. You need to right sequence of instructions to make an algorithm since the outcome of the algorithm should be the same each time. You cookies would not turn out the same each time if you mixed up the order of the steps. I ask students what might happen if you were to change the order of steps in a recipe.

I love this game idea and think if works great to introduce and reinforce sequencing! I plan on using this to introduce sequencing in Morning Meeting before I teach an unplugged lesson on algorithms. It will work as a great activity to pair with sharing about what students know about coding.

I like the idea of “unplugging” and showing sequencing as steps in an algorithm that need to be completed in a specific order in order to make the program work correctly. I think the Robot lesson is one I can teach to my 7th and 8th grade learning support math students. Students don’t necessarily “catch” all the steps and having them play the robot and having them follow the algorithm teaches them how to but the steps in the right order to make their robot work. I also liked the idea of explaining coding as telling the computer what you want it to do in a specific way or “language” that the computer can understand.

I love baking and baking with my students. I would equate the concept of algorithm as the recipe, the sequence as the steps and the program as the end product (cake, cookies, etc)

I would explain it simply like she stated in the video - it is like a recipe or a set of directions. They will need to complete one step before moving to the next step. I think it is important to understand that it is simple steps that are very clear!

A post was split to a new topic: El mundo de la programación de computadoras

Los colores, el armado de una casa, la ceramica, entre muchas otras, están presentes los patrones, quizas una actividad que podría ser entretenida es usar canción en donde debe realizar algo específico, eso es entretenido y repetitivo, a los niños y niñas les gusta.

bueno la programación se puede explicar a los alumnos con ejemplos cotidianos de la vida, por ejemplo el freir un huevo o hacer una llamad en un teléfono publico, explicar por sobretodo con practica, hacer que el alumno entienda de manera significativa y luego asocie.

Teaching sequencing to first graders forum.code.org /teaching-sequencing Reading and writing skills are taught with a beginning, middle and end. Pointing out that these concepts are necessary for a good story as well as coding links the two and gives a visual to the writing process.

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Explicaría a mis estudiantes el concepto de programación como la forma de seguir un orden para llegar al final de algo, es decir siguiendo instrucciones. Estas instrucciones tambien pueden ser definidas como algoritmos.

Hola a todos: La programación desde la secuencia es fundamental para poder avanzar en diversos aprendizajes. pues se puede aplicar a todo ámbito de la vida. Hago clases de música y pienso en la secuencia de notas musicales al crear una melodía o al ejecutar algún instrumento. mediante las actividades desconectadas se facilita el pensamiento computacional de manera mas fácil para nuestros estudiantes

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I have always used the “make a peanut (or sunflower) butter and jelly sandwich” lesson to teach sequencing to students. It has always worked well, and I would apply it to coding by explaining that putting the steps in the right order for the recipe is just like creating the steps in a computer algorithm.

Un algoritmo es un conjunto finito de instrucciones o pasos que sirven para ejecutar una tarea o resolver un problema. De un modo más formal, un algoritmo es una secuencia finita de operaciones realizables, no ambiguas, cuya ejecución da una solución de un problema.
Ejemplos son el uso de una lavadora (se siguen las instrucciones),
para cocinar (se siguen los pasos de la receta).

Una forma de enseñar secuenciación a mis alumnos podría ser utilizando tarjetas de colores,la cual cada tarjeta considera una simbología de lo que deben hacer. La clase sería impartida en un 7° basico en la asignatura de tecnología. Considero que es una estrategia viable de ser realizada.

Algorithm is a set of steps just like doing a math problem.

I like to have the students complete the unplugged activities so that they can see that they are learning key concepts but not using a computer. We then talk about how that can apply to any real life situation. I use paragraph writing as my example. We go through the steps to write a good paragraph and compare it using programming terminology.

I like to act out “being the robot” and ask students to describe how I can get from the reading area to the classroom door. I only perform the actions they describe which leads to lots of giggles, but also students understanding precision in sequencing.

Enseñaría el concepto, después de la actividad y en forma de foro, hasta que ellos logren concluir que un algoritmo es básicamente una secuencia de pasos o instrucciones que se realizan para cumplir un objetivo o meta.