U2 Day 10-12: PD Discussion Topic

Using a variety of bases will take more time, but it may be worth it to show that the base 10 that we use is only because we have 10 fingers - we can use any base to count and the math is all the same.

I love the binary clock exercise to see if students can figure out how to read the binary clock without any prior knowledge of binary numbers. I ask them to work in groups to figure it out and usually a lot of them get frustrated or beg for me to give them an answers. However, every now and then there will be one group that just solves it on their own…and the reaction is amazing!!! Worth every minute!

Have the students predict larger digits of binary to expand on the topic (i.e. have them go past 5 digits)

Having students make the connection with binary and the amount of bites on their computer, helped my students be problem solvers. They actually searched for more information as they began to make these connections.

Lesson ~ Instructional Days 10-12: Binary Numbers
Students will learn how to write their first and last names and class period in binary. Students will learn how to write in binary numbers to create and answer multiplication problems and complete a multiplication table using binary numbers (Challenge Activity).

Lesson Summary
● Journal Entry: Explain why binary numbers are important in computer science?
● Assignment:
● Students will write their first and last name and class period in binary.
● Students will create and answer ten (10) multiplication problems in binary numbers.
● Students will work in groups to complete the Challenge Activity which is to complete a Multiplication Table in binary numbers.

CS Content
Students will use critical thinking skills (inquiry) to solve the multiplication problems; students will learn how to convert between binary and decimal numbers in the context of topics that are important in computer science (CS); and all students will have access (equity) to discussion, journal writing, handouts, videos, etc.

Students will be able to:
● Use binary numbers to create and answer multiplication problems
● Explain why binary numbers are important in computer science
Materials and Prep
● Instructional Days 10-12 Student Activities, Journal Writing, and Discussion
● Computer Science Unplugged
● Activity 1 – Count the Dots
● Binary Number Cards
Student Documents
● Multiplication Chart Handout
● Binary Coding Handout
● Binary Number Cards

Code Studio
● The Hour of Code
● Computer Science Fundamentals
● Play Lab
● Artist

● The Internet: Wires, Cables, & Wifi

● Binary Numbers Multiplication Test
(253) 571-3703

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You could have a game where each student is given a descriptor (like “yellow”) and another student given the object (like “banana”). Each student has to write the binary code for their assigned value and then they post it on a large sticky note. Then students take a gallery walk and try to find their binary match.

I thought I could have student communicate in a blog. They would have to develop a secret code to use on their blog made with binary code.

The lessons provided from CS Unplugged will work great to keep inquiry and problem solving. I also plan to let my students “play” the binary game at http://forums.cisco.com/CertCom/game/binary_game.swf for extra practice.

I think I might do something like give the students a flash light and tell them they have to come up with a way of communicating only with the flash light and see what happens. Or maybe some other things I could give them and see what they think. I love the part in The Martian when the main character comes up with a way for NASA to communicate with him using ASCII I believe.

I’ve also seen some online binary message senders, so maybe having students come up with their own messages to send.

I had my students figure out their birthday after I did the birthday trick that Karen showed us in training. This got their attention then I had them do the handouts as well as create a handout by themselves. This was a fun lesson to teach as I could visually see the students start to “get it”.

Using ideas from the forum, I came up with this lesson plan.

Suggestions for improvements are welcomed!

Challenge-1PageLessonOverview.docx (22.6 KB)

I like this a lot. Thanks for posting!

In past courses I have had students create something depicting their birthdays in binary. I have had students make posters, bracelets, cans connected in order, digital representations etc. The students were more creative than if I had told them what they had to make.

great lesson Donna… I like it

I plan on having students write their own short messages that they will encode in binary, which they will have another student decode their to discover their message.

I let students play with the binary cards and asked subtle, leading questions as they did.

I made a Blendspace activity with 13 different segments including videos, jokes, short activities, etc. for them to do to practice binary. The kids were motivated by the format because they could choose what to do next and they could revisit any segments at their own leisure.

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I had students translate just about anything they could think of. They made secret messages in binary and tried to decode them. I also expanded the lesson to hexidecimal and octal number systems and that kept them going and wanting to do more with it.

I created the binary cards and had students come to the front to present the topic of binary counting. After extra practice I had students create coded message in which their peers had to solve. The students really had a great time.

I kept students interested by having them communicate with sounds. Beeps and Boops. A 1 = a beep sound, and a 0= a boop sound.
Students created two word slogans and then translated them into beep and boops. I have volunteer share there slogans in front of the class, only to deliver them with sounds. The class recorded the sounds and then translated the sounds back into binary numbers, and then alphabet.
I think they had a lot of fun doing this activity.