We did start with the name.sb, then I gave students time to explore. I particularly like @dlea 's theatre analogy for the Scratch setup. I will use that this semester. Thanks for sharing it!
My students started learning about scratch and have been enjoying learning the program. They have already been creative with creating their names with the sprites.
How does one open a file with a .sb extension? (Example: name.) Thanks
How did you open name.sb? Where can I find the software to do it?
Hi Michael,
.sb files are scratch files and only work on Scratch. You should go to scratch.mit.edu and upload them to the programming environment there.
Animate - Scratch Tutorial tips - ver6.docx (1.5 MB)
Iām doing Animate Your Name tutorial and created this document to help my assistant trainers. Any comments to improve it?
Thanks, Dan