U6 - Project template?

Is there a project starter that can be used with the Circuit playground?
I see Sprite Lab, App Lab, and game Lab, but those don’t seem to have the blocks for the circuit board. Is there a way to just start a new project without being in a Lesson in U6?

Hi @ablackmond,

Welcome to the Forum! The Circuit Playground uses a modifed form of App Lab that has to run on your computer; it does not run through a regular web browser due to how the hardware communicates with the computer. You can go to this page to download the Maker App for your particular device.

Hope that helps,
Michael K.

Yes, I’m running the maker app. I am using the U6 curriculum. I don’t see a way for a student to create an app from scratch with the Circuit Playground. (If you want to create an app or a game, there are blank starters for those, but I do not see one that has the blocks for the circuit)

If you create a new app from the left option here:

there is a red tool drawer marked “Circuit” in the middle on the right:

Do you see this?

How do I get to that page? I can’t find it. Is that “My Dashboard”? I don’t see that. If I click on “Projects” it just gives me Sprite Lab, App Lab and Game Lab.

That page is exactly what I want… I’ll keep looking. It must be there somewhere…


That’s the page I see when I launch maker app and sign in to my code.org account. I believe @mkmietowicz linked it above, but you have to run the maker app to see that screen and option.


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