Hello All! Kristin Tope and I have created Google Slides for Unit 1. If anyone would like to use/modify these they are welcome to them. Make sure to “Make a copy” of anything you want to use and add it to your own folder in google drive. This will allow you to edit the slides and will secure them for you just in case our original files are deleted.
Hi! Thank you for the google slides. I just recently found them and they are invaluable!!! I have a question, I can’t link the storage video from 1.2.7 because my it says it doesn’t exist. Please help !!! I would like to show the instructions to my students for the storage card game.
Thank you!!! Julie
I am having the same problem. Is there a way to get the video?
I can’t speak to the video (looks like it was from his Google photos account), but in the CSD 2018 Curriculum this lesson has been removed. The curriculum changes year to year based on feedback from students and teachers alike and the “Storage” lesson has was used here was removed, now students are asked to think about storage with apps and how they might store information through the app exploration activity.
Hope this helps!
I can’t speak to the video (looks like it was from his Google photos account), but in the CSD 2018 Curriculum this lesson has been removed. The curriculum changes year to year based on feedback from students and teachers alike and the “Storage” lesson has was used here was removed, now students are asked to think about storage with apps and how they might store information through the app exploration activity.
Hope this helps!
Would you happen to have google slides made for Units 4-6? The ones that you made for units 1-3 are great! Thank you so much!