Unit 2 and Unit 4 Lesson Plan Links Broken

I’ve noticed that the teacher lesson plan links no longer work. This is to download the entire lesson plan for all lessons in Unit 2 and 4.

The Unit 2 resources/handouts and Unit 4 resources/handouts PDF links are working but the overall lesson plan PDF links are broken.

Links to the forum are also broken in a couple places - when I clicked on forum from Unit 1, lesson 9 I got this response:

Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.

Our automatic PDF generator is running into some issues with both of these units. We’re working to resolve this, but in the meantime you can get a compiled pdf by going to https://curriculum.code.org/csp-1718/unit2/compiled/ and https://curriculum.code.org/csp-1718/unit4/compiled/ and printing to PDF (instructions vary by browser and OS, but in general you can print from your browser and select PDF from the printer selection in the print dialog).