Unit 2 Chapter 1 - HTML Tags Journal

Last semester I couldn’t figure out an easy way of keeping track of the HTML tags that my students learned without using paper (which I highly prefer). So I decided to create an electronic ‘journal’ using Google Slides that has been much more helpful for me and my class this semester. I’ll share it below if anyone is interested. It can be modified to fit your classroom.



@jsuna, Thank you so much for sharing this! It’s tough to help students keep track of all the new learning!

Thank you for sharing this!

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Thank you so much for the resource. I will be using this with my students this year.

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Hello Josuna,

This is amazing! Do you by chance have one for CSS too? Or the other units too?

Thank you. This is very helpful.

Thank you so much! This is awesome!

Thank you so much! This is my first time teaching this course. Any materials will be great. And this digital journal looks amazing!

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Welcome! Definitely reach out to the community if there’s anything you’re looking for- so many people have great things to share, along with the great resources that are already embedded in the CSD curriculum materials. :grinning:

Thank you! Is the curriculum guide on Google Drive? I saw that there was the web version? But is there a way that I can make a copy of it and save it to my drive for easy access? I am just now starting to look at it even though I will be starting to teach it next week-specifically Unit 2 in CS Discoveries.

Thank you so much!


Hey Marina,

The lessons each have the resources you’ll need in Google doc format that are easy to save to your drive (those things you would want to potentially use in class - handouts, etc).

Each Unit Curriculum Guide could be uploaded to your drive via PDF for quick access- those are all clickable by lesson making it easy to see the overview and the teaching guide for each lesson with all of the resources.

As an example, here’s a link to Unit 2. https://curriculum.code.org/csd-20/unit2.pdf

Let me know if that helps!

Yes this helps a ton! I really wanted to take the professional development course but because of the demographics of our students I didn’t qualify- even though I was willing to pay for it. Do you know of any other opportunities that I might be able sign up for? Or would anyone be able to answer some questions regarding pacing? Or if I could speak to someone briefly tomorrow after taking a look at the materials you shared with me?

I’m sorry that I’m asking so many questions!

Thank you in advance,

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Glad it helps! Have you checked out the new self-paced PD available for CSD? This is something new this year that Code.org just released that might be perfect for you, being that you didn’t do the summer PD. Why don’t you check it out and then feel free to reply with any questions you have about pacing.

I may have some ideas for you and there are several of us who might be able to help you out based on your unique situation. Here is an implementation guide that also may help.

Don’t apologize for asking questions- that’s what the forum is for and we’re happy to help!



I had my students write this in there notebooks (pre-covid). This is a fabulous digital form. Thanks!!!