Should there be an image with question 7 on the Unit 3 assessment? This is the one that asks the students to list the function names and descriptions for completing a task. I might be missing something, but it seems like they would need an image to go with the question.
Hi Julie,
This looks like it references the snowflake that is in lesson 6… but I agree that it looks like there should be an image! I’ll check and see if anyone knows what happened.
Hi Madeline,
Any luck with finding an image for this question? I am giving the test next week - the snowflake from lesson 6 will work, but it is a very basic image, based on the sample answers on the assessment, it sounds like it should be a more complex drawing (talks about pen color, etc)
The question was purposefully written without an image in order to let students think through what functions might be included, based on their own perception of a snowflake. If students are responding with functions which call other functions that make sense, they’ve met the goal of the question. If you think it would be valuable to your students, you can display a snowflake image - even the one on Lesson 6 would be fine.
For example, if the instructions were to draw a tree, I would expect student functions that looked something like this:
Thanks for following up Hannah!