Hi there, my wonderfully bright student would like to know why her sprites visibility doesn’t change in her code. Thanks for your help!
Hi @c.kerlin,
Cute idea for a scene! From what I can tell and I think the intent is, the code is working! But, the old scene needs to be covered-up (or drawn over) for the new scene. To do this, just draw a background. You can play around with where the background is drawn (top of the draw loop or at the top of each scene).
Good luck!
Greetings @c.kerlin,
As @melynn has stated this is a canvas issue! we refer to it as a canvas because whatever you manage to draw on it stays until you cover over it,
Background Documentation: Code.org
now that you know the problem where do i put it?
well it may make sense to put it at the end first you actually will only get a blank screen calling it first will lead to greater success for anything else you’d like to draw afterwords
Spoiler Code (use as reference if needed)
function draw() {
background("white") // can accept many formats much like fill || stroke
if(World.mouseY < 200){
} else {
by replacing this 1 line you are effectively blanking the canvas for the next frame leaving none of the previous draw calls visible from the previous frame
Hope this helps!
Thanks tons! Must be the end of year fog in our brains We got it to work!
Thanks tons! We got it to work. Can’t believe we didn’t think about this