Unit 7 lesson 2 - division icon

Is there a source for the division icon? It’s needed for the screen design.
The multiplication has icon://fa-times, this isn’t a full path, so I’d assume it’s somewhere in a resource area. Little help?

Note - I understand that fa - stands for font-awesome.
Not sure of the size of the icon in pixels - even more why I think it’s coming from a code.org resource.

The division icon isn’t included in the code.org icons. I used a normal text / in Arial black.

You could look around the internet for one. There is a good one here https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/81/Font_Awesome_5_solid_divide.svg/200px-Font_Awesome_5_solid_divide.svg.png. It was created by Font Awesome and can be used with attribution.

The other 3 icons come from App Lab icons and were also created by Font Awesome. In design mode, go to the image property and click on choose… Then near the top click on icons. You should see all the available icons. Divide isn’t there.

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Thanks Don.
I looked in the FA character set on line - there are some nice division symbols - but they are old style - not what is used in CS.
