Updates to CSP Exam

Yep, I’ll be interested to see what happens! Erik at Code.org acknowledged the changes here and shared that they are hoping to have new info soon.

Based on some discussion with folks at collegeboard (not related to code.org) it sounds like they’re expecting teacher’s planning/prep to be very similar to what it is now. Practice creating your own original work, practice explaining it, practice making a video. The exam won’t necessarily change much, the timing (what happens when) will with the shift of the 4 questions to the exam timeslot. Its a bummer for students who don’t do great sitting for exams, and definitely motivated by Generative AI. Silver lining is perhaps that students who procrastinate and are not great with executive functioning skills may have a little more of their timing/organization scaffolded because it streamlines the items that need to be done during the create task process.

Time will tell!

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