Web Lab, Work Space & Preview Issue

In Web Lab, when one of my student type in the workspace, it look like he is typing in the preview page also. Why does that happen?


It is just syncing the workspace with the preview. It is showing them what the website will look like as they code. If they type code with the text, it will format the text according to the code as well.

Does that help?


The information that the student is typing, including HTML element tags are shown in the preview section exactly as he types it in the workspace.The preview section is looking exactly as the workspace section


I’m sure that’s frustrating. Unfortunately, that image is not shared with anyone with the link, so I can’t see it, but it might even be better if your student could click on “share” and give us the shared link of the project so we can have a better look at it. If not, change the sharing settings on the image and I can at least see if I see anything strange there.

Another option would be to email support@code.org with the name of the account where this is occurring and they can look into it as well.
