Bug in Course csd2-2019 Stage 4 Puzzle 10, 2nd page of website
It doesn’t matter which personal website level you look at. The code and the content don’t match.
Link to the project or level: I don’t have the option to remix or share this project, even though sharing has been enabled. Here is the URL: https://studio.code.org/s/csd2-2019/stage/6/puzzle/9?section_id=2651843&user_id=61040210&viewAs=Teacher
What I expect to happen: The elements in the preview area should match the code in the workspace.
What actually happens: The preview area displays the elements matching the code from the index page instead, on both student’s account and my account.
What I’ve tried: Refresh page, log out/in, restart computer, editing code.
!Dre’s Website|690x403](upload://cOFWLhBpZ5gqke1WKXtdFPj6Cd9.jpeg)