I have no space in my lab for posters. And it will be a mess to use scissors and tapes in my lab.
So I created this worksheet for my students to work on directly using MS Word. They can work as team or individually. Students saved their own copies in their network folders. I purposely did not make the students to share yet. I plan to give them a chance to change their answers after they learn more about “What is a Computer”, then share by printing them out.
Thank you hchu126!!! I added the 2 questions to the bottom.
Hmmm…will not allow me to upload my document so here’s the text I added under your grids (I did delete one row) - 1) What rules or definition did you use to categorize your objects?
2) Which item was most difficult for you to categorize? How did you eventually make the decision of where to place it?
Thank you so much for this! I modified by making 2 documents (Part A and Part B) so that different groups have different items to sort and fewer items - larger print!.