Win background and start background both display

A student remixed the “bunny chef” game. But when the game meets the winning condition (line 86 function - she changed it to 0 & 0 just to make the bug appear sooner), both the “start” background and “win” background flash at the same time. We can’t figure out what the problem is! Comparing the code with the original game but can’t find what the issue is.


This is a tricky one. The code is fine. The sprite your student created to be the win screen is glitchy. If you go to the animation tab and look at that sprite (stew), it has three different screens. The 2nd and 3rd are mostly transparent, so the game background shows through them. If the student deletes the 2nd and third screens, it should work much better.

The bunnywalk sprite also has a 2nd screen that makes him appear and disappear as well.

Good luck!


Thanks, Mike. We’ll give it a shot.