Deleting Student Progress

Hello @garym and others! Unfortunately, a feature for resetting progress is not yet available. Our engineering team is actively working on such a feature, and we’re more excited than ever to have this introduced for teachers and students alike. We’ll definitely be posting about this more broadly when it is available!

I agree this would be an amazing feature to have. Please make it a priority, asap :slight_smile:

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Le sigh… I remember asking for this “feature” at the training when only the first 3 units were “done” and units 4-6 were in beta (I believe in 2017). It was the #1 requested feature back then also, iirc.

Technology Applications is a buffet-style course that will touch on CS, so teachers will use to introduce students. Unfortunately, that means if they join my CS course the following year, they’ve already done the work and I’ve no way of clearing the slate for them. Try convincing a middle-schooler to throw away work they’ve already done that will ultimately contribute to projects for a new class.

I wonder if there is a way to attach progress to a course’s section ID rather than solely the user…


One thing that should work from year to year is using the most current version. If a student has completed work in the 2020-21 version of CS Discoveries, for example, and they return to your class this year, as long as you start using the 2021-22 version of the course, they will have a clean slate.

This doesn’t work if it’s two semesters in the same year, though. It also doesn’t work if you like to keep working with the same version of the course, but it’s something until they can finally roll out the update.


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Hello all! We’re excited to share that resetting of progress is now supported! Please review the associated support article here: . Let us know if you have any questions or want a resetting conducted, via writing us at!