Teaching conditionals

Che bello! Un idioma conosciuto…

Ciao Romina! Anche a me piace incrociare il mio stesso idioma!! Come hai trattato il concetto di condizionale?

Boh…che dirti…mi trovo in forte difficoltà: ho una wi fi che fa schifo e due anni fa hanno smantellato l’aula d’informatica… Nonostante abbia delle basi di programmazione per ora cerco di fare tesoro di tutto.
Ho pure provato la classe digitale con il BYOD…ma senza un wi fi decente non riesco a scaricare neanche una misera app…

Capisco … sono problemi ahimè molto, ma MOLTO comuni! :smirk: :speech_balloon: :speech_balloon: Non demordiamo, però. Buon lavoro!! Katya :blush:

I would connect conditionals with some games such as for example “Simon says”, where students have to pay attention to the conditions to decide whether to do an action or not.

After reading some of the other comments below, I think a variety of unplugged activities may be the way to go. Using the cards will be a great start, but then move on to something more active or/and relevant to RL examples like the one displayed in the video.

I am a second grade teacher who is just beginning to explore the concept of coding and computer science. I imagine that I will begin to introduce the concept of conditionals by relating it to what they are already familiar with… consequences and rewards for their actions. “If this happens, then that will happen.” I will transition their cause and effect type thinking to the “else” vocabulary by modeling the use for them in our daily coding conversations.

I used the example “if you are quiet then you will get _________.” The students understood the concept immediately.

Conditionals are like in math an if then statement, like in media if you type text in your timeline then you have to decide how long it is on the screen, if something is true then something will happen, like when I talk with my daughter, if you eat your dinner then you get your dessert.

Since I teach kinder I think I would keep it pretty simple. I like the idea presented in the video of clapping for one card, and sighing for another card.

I like the idea of linking conditionals to games. Like Simons says with conditional statements such as:
If I clap my hands you sit down, else stand up… etc.

I like connecting everyday life to computer programming.
Events: When the stoplight changes to red… action: stop!

To encourage positive behavior in my classroom I hand out “aviator bucks”. When students earn 30 aviator bucks in 2 weeks time they get to go to treasure box. I could use my students knowledge of this incentive to teach conditionals. If the students follow the carpet rule then they earn an aviator buck, if else they do not earn an aviator buck.

I think that children have a good understanding of the first part of the If/Else. We use it with kids all of the time. If you eat all your dinner you can have dessert. If you are finished your assignment you can have free time. I think they less often think about the else. I like how the teacher in the video talked about the “or else” that adults used to remind them what happens if the If statement is not true. I think the card game is also a good way to make those ideas concrete in a fun manner.

Condition statements happens every at my home school and I think my kids understand it clearly. For example, If thay can complete the homework they can play game in 15 minutes :blush:

I would teach conditionals to my second graders by showing them that they already deal with conditionals on a daily basis. I would relate real life experiences that they come across every day. If they do a chore at home, then they can earn a reward or an allowance.

I teach 5 and 6 grade English as a second language, so before playing condicionals in the computer, the best way to introduce them to conditionals is through the card games that is in the unppluged lessons and showing them examples lsuch as the one explainend in the video in this program.

I love the card game. I could also see using Simon Says as an example or combine it with science when doing a dichotomus key to figure out classifications

I think many of the comments already listed are great ideas. One other example I thought of was using chores as an example. I would ask the students to share examples of conditionals that parents often set. For example, If your room is clean, you may go out and play else you will have to keep cleaning. I agree that it’s important to use the correct CS vocabulary.

This reminds me of if/then statements. This will be my first year to teach CS to 5th graders so I will depend heavily on your lesson plans!