U1 Day 10: PD Discussion Topic

I am looking forward to show he students that data is just another tool of information. Since so much data is available about you, your neighborhood, your city, country and so on; the key to understand it is to find a way to see the data in a way that makes sense to them.

I plan to introduce the students to: The newly-expanded New York City Record Online (CROL) fully searchable database free to use (Taken from website: Anyone can use these data sets to participate in and improve government by conducting research and analysis or creating applications, thereby gaining a better understanding of the services provided by City agencies and improving the lives of citizens and the way in which government serves them.).


Looking forward to using data to teach and to finally have a way for students to see its importance.

Exploring the available regent exams data will be a nice activity especially for 11th graders. They need to draw a clear picture about their high school graduation requirements. The lesson could be a good opportunity to raise the studentā€™s awareness in regarding high school graduation.

It will be nice to show the different perspectives of the same data. How it can be interpreted or perhaps misinterpreted. Similar to the examples illustrated by the video.


I hope that students will realize the power of data. The activities help students look at data in new ways. I often use infographics in class to visualize data. It could be interesting for students to create their own infographic.

Iā€™m looking forward to my studentsā€™ reaction when they realize that the groups had different ā€œinputā€ data to work from. I believe their take-away will be that data depends on your perspective and that some forms of data is more suitable for different purposes. I would like to have them do a visualization chart as the presenter in the TED talk showed. This could be very interesting to see how the data pans out in a visual sense and what it means to them in that form.

I havenā€™t considered that! A great idea! I will be sending a e-mail directly to mine as well! Thanks!

I anticipate the students will use various ways to describe the data. Awareness of the different types of data and the interpretation of that data will be valuable to students. I plan to use a variety of methods to help students further their knowledge in data interpretation.

i look forward to how students start painting a picture representing the data that interests them. I also think the students will get more out of the data by seeing the difference instead of just reading the difference.

This will be a fun lesson. The video is not as kid friendly as it could be. But something in that spirit is good.

I will have the class split up into groups with some compiling a list from the picture and some creating a picture from the list of items. They will then share and we will discuss the pros and cons of different types of data representation for people and for computers.

I am looking forward to this part - dealing with data. I think it will open student eyes to the way that data is used in their lives. I will be looking for some examples in or around our campus to use.

It would be interesting to see if students can be given data sets and create their own visualizations

Iā€™m looking forward to the students seeing how some very simple representations such as bar charts, pie charts, and line graphs can show the same data in very different ways, and that there really are better ways to represent some data. I definitely will have them do some of these assignments with world population numbers, I have found in the past that most of my students donā€™t have a good idea of how many people are on the planet, and itā€™s really disheartening to see that most of them donā€™t have a good idea of how many people are in their own country. As someone above said, I hope to get some students to that ā€œAHAā€ moment where this all makes sense to them.

We did this lesson in the summer PD and it was my favorite because it allowed us to see who was linear and direct versus more circular and intuitive. No need to alter anything.

I would like for my students to understand that they cannot take all data as the gospel truth. They should dig deeper for a clearer picture of what the data means and how is it relative to the bigger picture.

Iā€™m looking forward to student reactions as we explore different ways data can be presented and the conscious and unconscious effects it has on us. I think the Picture and Word list activities will be a good starting point.
I think one big take-away for my students will be the amount of data that can be presented in a small space and the stories it can tell.

I believe data is conceptually a difficult concept for students to grasp as they easily confuse it with information. I look forward to how they will gain insight from the video and the ways in which data can be depicted to better make information and conceptualized understanding of concepts more ā€œconcreteā€ for them. I would like students to devise an example of data that is meaningful (research) in their world and have them group, manipulate and or make it more impactful by showing the process of the data becoming informative. They can then present it to class!

I would like to play with the idea of giving my students a data set and allowing them to come up with creative ways to visually represent it - then trade and see if other groups can accurately interpret the data based off of the visual representations.

Question: What aspects of this lesson are you looking forward to? What big take-aways do you anticipate your students having?
I am looking forward to seeing the different interpretations the students will have with their data sources. I am interested to see what their reactions will be to one anotherā€™s findings and how they will respond (I am curious to see if they will initially be open-minded). I anticipate them taking away that there are different perspectives of the same information and that there are multiple ways to represent the same information and it doesnā€™t necessarily mean one way is wrong.