'16-'17 General Discussion for Lesson 2.15

Use this thread to discuss your questions and comments about how to run the lesson.

Although I am not ready for this activity I will be within the next week or so. Last year I did not get to this activity. Does anyone out there have an example they are willing to share? I would find it very helpful to get an idea of an exemplar to show my students.

We were moving pretty fast and just trying to touch all the lessons before the end of the year when we did this so I’m not sure these are wonderful exemplars to show your class but here is some of the work from last year.

U4L06DataStory (1).pdf (86.8 KB)
U4L06-DataStoryTemplate.pdf (86.8 KB)
U4L06DataStory.pdf (83.4 KB)

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Thank you so much! Hope your year is going well for you!

I had students read and discuss this article to think about how data supports a story.

If you read carefully, the data was collected and then categorized into different feelings which also relates to how students “cleaned” our own data.

It was a good, quick discussion/application.


Although this lesson plan has us using the class data tracker information, it appears that many teachers allowed their students to use the other data files that were included in this unit. Is there a particular reason to stick with the data tracker info? I know they already told a story back in Lesson 12 with the other data but did you feel that using the information we collected was an essential part of this lesson
Just want to get a general feel for what you were thinking.


We’ll see what Brook says, based on doing it last year, I think a big part of it was that they know everything about how the data was collected and cleaned. Thus, they can really think about the inaccuracies and biases and assumptions. My students also really enjoyed working with their own data about them last year. Haven’t gotten there yet this year.

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Hi, @bbinkley!

@cmeeks captured the gist of it-- we have a few goals in having students work with their own data:

  1. we want them to work with a "messy’ dataset that hasn’t yet been cleaned. this is because we want them to make choices about cleaning the data so they have a sense of the ways that the cleaning process can actually change the nature of the data.
  2. as caroline mentioned, we’ve found that students are actually pretty interested in exploring data that’s been created by them and their friends-- it can be a lot more motivating than using the curated sets that we’ve provided.

hope this helps to clarify!


We did the cleaning today and they were amazed at all the work that entailed.


Is this taking students 3 days in class? It seems like it might be shorter.

We were pressed for time as well, so I only had students in the AP cohort (I have AP and Intro CSP together in one room) complete the project with the cleaned data. I had everyone else use one of the 5 data sets from earlier in the unit. They then had to practice making a visualization in infographic form. Here are a few exemplars (of varying levels) of what they came up with:

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Thanks for sharing Madeline.