Hello, do you have an estimate of how much time each of the courses A-F require? Thank you.
The courses are different, depending on the age.
Courses A&B assume approximately 30 minutes of class time
Courses C&D assume around 45 minutes of class time
Courses E&F assume about 50 minutes of class time
(All can be modified to take more or less)
Each year also has a different number of weeks worth of content, where we assume one lesson each week.
Here is some more info:
Thanks Kiki for the information and fast response.
Hi- Just a thought. Most people that I know that are using A-F only have 40 minute periods and many of us Media Specialists also have to do book swap in that 40 min. period. I personally would find it much easier if the lessons were all targeted for 30 min. with extensions available if you have more time. It’s really challenging to do 1/2 a lesson and continue it the next week, or in 2 weeks with 3 or more sections of each grade…
Hi! Scheduling for elementary can be tough, indeed! If splitting lessons in half is not working, there are a few options to try. One, do book swaps one session and then leave the next full 40 minute session only for CS Fundamentals.
Another idea is to ask the grade level teachers to lead portions of the lesson in their class before students come to you. This could look like them leading the warm-up or post-reflection. Or, it could look like them leading some of the unplugged lessons.
I will keep thinking about some other options as well. I also encourage other educators to share timing tweaks that they have made.