Course for entire school year

I just started teaching CS Fundamental’s to the elementary school children once a week. They started off with Course A and in two weeks are already on Course B.

How much is expected from students to cover within a school year? I have not seen the curriculum past Course C but I am thinking for example a third grader will be done with Course D by the end of October…What is a recommended course for a third grader past Course D? Come November, what should I start them with…

They are loving the courses and I am just thinking ahead just to be prepared what to give them past their grade level…

Like for a 4th graders, once they complete Course E, should going to Course F a preferred path or do a completely different project for them. I kind of want to keep them on a set course or path.

Thanks for your help!

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Hi @sarah_robert2005!

So glad to hear that you are making CS Fundamentals available to your students.

That does seem like quicker progress than we would have expected. Have you refereed to the lesson plans to include warm-ups, reflections, unplugged lessons, and such. Using these resources will not only slow your students down, but give you opportunities to check for understanding.

Can you tell me more about the age of your students? That will inform more suggestions.

Another thing to think about is encouraging students to explore some of our labs, like app lab and game level, which are sandboxes to be creative. Students can access these labs via the “create” drop down in the top banner on

