Assigning multiple Units in one class

Is there a way to have one student go back to a past Unit once the class has moved on to a new unit? I have a student that needs to finish an assignment from a past Unit. Thanks!


The direct link to that unit or activity will still work. If you find the activity you want them to do and then get them that link, they will be able to do it.

My district uses Canvas and I hardcode the links to all the projects in canvas so even when it’s not officially assigned they can still access every level.


Hey @sanema ! To add a few more details here: while only 1 course / unit can be assigned to a section, the course that is assigned to a section is just the first one that students will see when they log in. If you want students to be able to see and access any other course, just have them type in the URL one time (or assign it to them one time), and have students finish just one level in that unit. Once students finish at least one puzzle in any course / unit, that course will permanently “stick” to their homepage ( for easy access going forward.

For example, if you have CSP Unit 2 assigned, but want some students to access CSP Unit 3, they can do so at any time by just typing in the URL, Or they can find it through the course catalog, (there’s a link to the “Course Catalog” atop the homepage as well). They only need to do this once, as after they finish one level in Unit 3 or any other course, it will permanently appear on their homepage for easy access going forward, regardless of whether or not it is assigned.

You as the teacher can change the course you’re viewing progress in in your ‘view progress’ tab by changing the dropdown list on the left side to any other course, to see how your students are doing in courses other than the one assigned. Changing the course assigned will just change what students see first when they log into your section - it is not a definitive constraint as to what courses students do or don’t have access to.

We hope this info helps!

Still seems like there should be an easier way to do this. Maybe that’s something that can be created in the future?


If you have an idea for what that might look like, you could send your suggestions to and they will pass it on to the engineers for future consideration. It’s emails and observations like this that help improve the platform for everyone.

For example, this year, they just added a feature for being able to sort students by last name and that came from multiple emails to support requesting that feature.

Good luck!
