A student had switched over to text while she was fixing a few errors. We were unable to go back to block until we fixed the error. We worked on the code and there are no more red boxes or yellow triangles, but she still cannot go back to block. She continues to receive a pop up that says she has to correct the errors. We have refreshed the browser several times.
What else can we do?
Could you share the link to the project? There must be some text that is not recognizable.
There was something wrong with the filter method. I just changed it a bit (added braces around the for loop and added a space after the “==”). It now toggles properly. Here is the project.
That’s interesting. We found a missing { on 28 to start the loop and a missing } on 33 to end it. We just figured it out as well, but with a different solution
My bad, same solution for both of us.
Would you mind running the code and seeing if you can help us with the following:
When we run the code the setText for Income and PercentChange are not updating for us properly. Any idea what we are missing?
The problem is in your filter method. I have changed it. You will need to add all the conditions to get it to work.
Same student, new issue.
She wants to grab information from one cell based on the drop down selection the user makes. Is that possible and if so, how?
Thanks for the help.
This project is a mess. Sorry for the emails
She would need to filter the column based on the selection, just like she is doing now. But, this time only one cell element would be selected. She would then need to update the area where she is displaying the information.
Thank yoi
David Zulkiewski
Having the same issue again this year. We have been digging through the code for more than a class. Can you help. App Lab - Code.org
[Please provide more details so someone can help you. Feel free to delete everything in brackets before posting your request for debugging help.]
Link to the project or level: [replace with link to the curriculum or get the “Share” link to a project]
What I expect to happen: [replace with a detailed description of the behavior you’re trying to create]
What actually happens: [replace with a detailed description of what actually happens when the code runs including any errors or unexpected behavior]
What I’ve tried: [replace with a detailed description of what you’ve already tried to do to solve the problem]
It appears to be working now. I was able to switch.
I have been having the same problem!
Hi @griffinisdope,
I’d recommend looking through the code for typos, as that appears to be what was causing the issue for users in the past. If you still can’t find it, please click “share” in the upper left of the project in question & drop the link here. We’d be happy to put another set of eyes on it.
– Michael K.