Create PT Online Solutions

Has anyone compiled a list of Create PT Solutions that are found online? I want to check for plagiarism as requested by the college board. If so, please share.

That is a tall order because there is a publish button on all projects. As soon as you push that button the project is available on the Public Projects tab. The majority of projects you find in the list will not meet the PT rubric. But obviously some do. All of those have a Remix button.

Hi @dcglasgow ,

To my understanding, the College Board doesn’t expect you to take that sort of initiative in ensuring your students haven’t plagiarized. I believe College Board runs all entries through a Turnitin-like system to check for plagiarism against published materials - which leaves the teacher the responsibility of making sure students haven’t say recycled previous assignments, practice PTs, etc.

I would also just do a “gut check” - you probably have some sense by now what a particular student’s work might look like. Anything uncharacteristic might warrant further investigation or followup with the student.


@frank_w_lee If you notice that the student did recycle some old work or used one of the old exercises, do you automatically give them plagiarism flag, or can you return it to give them a chance to do something different? Is it possible that some of them forgot that it’s been done before, or perhaps re-coded a similar/variation of an old idea from scratch and think that means it’s new? For example some of the patterns for calculating min, max, and average are things we’ve talked about in class and investigate exercises months ago; if they do an app that calculates those things, the pattern will probably end up looking the same aside from maybe variable names. Does that count as a P flag if they write about one of those functions? Could use some advice on where to draw the line…:grimacing:

Everything old is new again. Some things can’t help but be repeated. The patterns are there because you have to repeat them. So coding up reduce, filter, or map isn’t plagiarism. The same goes for coding up a new implementation of bubble sort. The important thing is a new implementation or freshly written.

There are only so many things you can do with that NBA dataset. If someone has the same idea I would not call it plagiarism. They are looking to see who created a program themselves and who didn’t.

Thanks! I agree the patterns are unavoidable, but how can you tell if the “average” or “min” function is freshly written when it’s only 7 lines of code? It sounds like you are saying these should be given a pass?Bubble sort is an algorithm that will most likely have variations in the code, but not much wiggle room for basic functions😂.

They won’t change much. Usually, the variable names are different in each instance. Indentation can be a clue. I don’t think replicating the patterns we encourage them to replicate is cause for concern with cheating.

When I was teaching at the university I would take printed assignments to the window and put one on top of the other to show they were identical right down to individual spaces. I would then explain to them that I expected a much higher level of cheating at the university level.