Creating floating.double array and filling from a table (syntax needed)

I have tried to use a Java book to assist me, but the code here does not seem to be standard Java. I just need the syntax to create a double or single precision floating point array. And then fill it from a existing data table.

"Cartagena? Angel, you are hell and gone from Cartagena."1 App Lab is a version of Javascript. Javascript doesn’t have types. Every array you create is (or I should say can be) a double float array. In fact App Lab only has one type of number that happens to be a double precision float.

If by table you mean the database I always recommend using readRecords(). It gives you an array of JSON objects where each object is a row from the database. getColumn() will return an array of values from a single column in the database but it is implemented the same as readRecords() anyway and isn’t as versatile.

If you need an idea of how that works look at - App Lab around line 636.

1Thomas, D. (Writer), Douglas, M. (Producer), & Zemeckis, R. (Director). (1984). Romancing the stone [Motion picture]. United States: Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation.

Thanks for responding;
My data table only by a very loose definition could be called a database. It is a two column list of numbers. 6-25 lines of Data. I want to read it into a T(i) and F(i) arrays From the time vs force data, I will calculate velocity(i), and a position(i). using the mass, surface area, and drag coefficients. And then plot that data on a chart. I’m not looking to do a lot of database manipulation, Once the data is read into the array I’m done with the table.

Longing for the days of FORTRAN, and Basic

I personally am glad FORTRAN, COBOL, Basic, and PL/1 are gone. I am waiting for the day Java goes extinct. It is long overdue due to Java becoming an instrument of economic oppression.

We talked about you having a CSV file that could be loaded up as a database. I still think that is a good way to go since you could have several versions coexisting in the database and a simple way to choose from them. Perhaps a database for each rocket motor.

If you want to have two arrays then just use getColumn(). If you want to do something more modern use readRecords(). The former gives you the syntax T[i] and F[i]. The latter leads to forceOverTime[i].time and forceOverTime[i].force.

You could also include the data in the code as two 1 dimensional arrays or a two dimensional array. This uses a 2 dimensional array. - App Lab