CSD 24-25 Implementation Ideas

Another school year approaches and CSD 24-25 is out. I teach 7th/8th grade classes. We meet yearlong for around 200 minutes a week (4 days a week). Here is what I am thinking for this upcoming year:

-Talk a day or two about Problem Solving and computers.
-Start with Unit 3 (the funnest unit)
-Then Unit 4
-Then Unit 7 (finally teach the AI unit)
-Then Unit 2 (my kids love building websites)

I might want to go straight to Unit 7 after Unit 3. Unit 7 does have that “Intro to App Lab” Lesson 1. Perhaps that would be intro enough for students to be able to complete Unit 7 without learn App Lab first in Unit 4?

Thoughts or ideas on any of this?

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I like the order of your units! I am teaching 8th grade CSD this year after having taught high school (AP CSA and AP CSP for a few years.) I think I may follow your order because it makes sense.
My question for you is why do you skip Unit 6? Is it because of lack of time? I was hoping to get to option A.

I skip Unit 6 because I teach another class where we do more physical computing, and also because there is not enough time.

I may actually skip over Unit 4 also, and go straight from Unit 3 to Unit 7, then to Unit 2. After all that is completed, and a couple of other things, I might go to Unit 4 at the end of the year. My students struggle with Unit 4 because lots of it is unplugged, and therefore it reduced engagement a bit…

I wonder if anyone has taught Unit 7 without teaching Unit 4 first, and how did that go?