I am new to the APCSP family. I am preparing for the new school year. My school requires a curriculum map. Is there a resource for this? Has anyone had to create one for the APCSP course? I could use some help.
I am new to the APCSP family. I am preparing for the new school year. My school requires a curriculum map. Is there a resource for this? Has anyone had to create one for the APCSP course? I could use some help.
This thread has some good links.
Also there is a scope and sequence here:
I have worked on my initial draft of a Curriculum Map for APCSP. I took the resources from code.org to build this Curriculum Map. I want share what I put together, but cannot upload it here for some reason. I am also looking for feedback - the good, the bad, and the ugly. I want this Curriculum Map to be an awesome product. So how can I share this with others in this forum?
Hi @msmith - can you upload your Curriculum Map to Google Drive or another sharing platform and copy/paste the link here?
If I put it on Google drive, do I need to share it with others? Can you help me with that?
My Curriculum map is not perfect nor is it complete. It is a rough draft. I am open to all creative criticism to make it a perfect document.
I uploaded my documents into Google Drive. I shared them with Code.org Professional Learning Community. Please let me know if this worked for you.
Michael Smith
Curriculum map: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Da3JZ13fH7_lS3L9dCnujXHwSue8LOr7/view?usp=sharing
Instructional Approaches
APCSP Unit Objectives (list)
Please let me know if this does not work
@msmith I am able to open the first document, but not the last two. Thank you for sharing your work - I’m sure other teachers will appreciate your effort!
I have fixed the link to all three documents. Please try again. Keep your fingers crossed, and let me know if you still cannot access them.
Thank you Michael for posting the resources that you created for the CS Principles course. I am in the process of preparing to teach this course for the first time this September. I appreciate you sharing your work.
Everything appears to be working @msmith! Thanks for updating the links.
Hi @msmith
I’m a little late to this thread, but am in the same situation you were when you started. (my school’s requested a curriculum map.)
I see you posted a few google docs in this thread. The link to the first one, the curriculum map, is no longer working. Any chance you’d be willing to share an updated link? It would be much appreciated.
Sorry for the late reply. Hope this helps. These are older versions. Since I only had to submit it once, I have not updated the files to the 2020/2021 school year. So…now I have some more work to do!
Curriculum Map_AP Computer Science Principles.docx (39.5 KB)
APCSP Unit Objectives.docx (30.2 KB)
APCSP Instructional Approaches.xlsx (17.3 KB)
Thank you Michael. I appreciate you sharing your work!