Data Visualizer Tool in App Lab - Histogram Bucket Sizes - possible error?

Working with the Data Visualizer in App Lab, my students and I were creating histograms as part of U5L2: Exploring One Column '23. As I changed the bucket size in the histograms, the visualization did not seem to be matching the size specified. I have attached some examples:

  • DogsMaxWeight25: I chose a bucket size of 25 but the visualization seems to be showing 20.
  • DogsMaxWeight40: I chose a bucket size of 40 but the visualization seems to be showing 25.
  • DogsMaxWeight41: I chose a bucket size of 40 but the visualization seems to be showing 50.

Do I misunderstand bucket size or is the visualizer displaying modified (from what I specified) histograms for some reason?

There is another discussion thread on this topic. Looking through that may help. If you feel there is a bug in the app, please report to

interesting… considering the data I’m curious as to the data being used to generate these types of results if you’d be willing to share your tables with us I’d definitely be interested at taking a look. although like @bhatnagars suggests, it is a good idea to contact them as well!